We are The Caring Collective


The founder

Thanks so much for dropping by - and for hanging around when you realised I’m a person who actually wears double denim - it means a lot.

I’m Kate, the founder of The Caring Collective (yes, another one) and most of what you’ll see on these pages is created from my personal experience of caring for my mum.

Though The CC was my idea - borne out of much frustration and loneliness - it was always intended as a way to build community and connections around what can be a really painful experience, so whilst it’s mainly me running the show for now, I am hoping to hold lots of space for others too.

It’s taken me a while to get here and to be comfortable sharing my thoughts, experiences and advice about something that is still very painful and raw. I know you’ll all be respectful that although we’ve chosen to share stories with you, they are first and foremost private experiences, and for some of us, still very much real and ongoing.

My experience caring for my mum throughout the past four years has been a total one, and there isn’t a part of my life it hasn’t altered in some way - for better and worse. I hope that you find some comfort in what is shared here, and most of all - know that you aren’t alone.

As our Collective keeps developing, I am hoping others will feel they can share their own experiences of caring, being cared for, and anything else people want to talk about. If you have something you’d like to write about, please get in touch. This space will be free for contributor bios and sharing details about the rest of the community.